

Once you have made the decision that you or a loved one requires care or support, it is important to understand the options available for funding your care.

Residential care homes

Like with home care, you first need to be assessed to find out whether you are entitled to financial support. The processes and thresholds vary depending on which part of the UK live in. If you are eligible for authority funding (state funding), your pensions or other benefits will be used to help pay for your care in a residential home. Should you wish to choose a different or more expensive residential home, authority funding may be used for part of the cost and the additional cost would need to be topped up by a family member or charity as you, the resident, is not allowed to top it up yourself.

Self-funding is also an option. You may be entitled to several allowances to help you or another option could be to sell your home to invest the money or buy a care fee annuity.

Click to find out more about your options.

Home care

Firstly, we encourage you to find out whether you are entitled to financial support. You may be eligible for funding from your local authority, and if you have not already done so, the first step is to contact your local council, who will be able to assist and answer your questions. They will assess your needs, your personal financial circumstances and determine if you meet their eligibility criteria for help with funding your care. If you’re eligible for funding, your council will have a preferred care provider who they will put you in contact with.

Should you wish to use a care provider of your choice, like Eleanor Healthcare, local authorities may agree to pay your funds directly into your bank account. This is called a Personal Budget or Direct Payment and gives you the freedom to arrange your own care. Whilst this may seem daunting, here at Eleanor Healthcare, we will take care of the recruitment of your carers and the financial administration for you. We will work with you or your loved one to create a personalised care plan to meet your needs.

If you aren’t eligible for funding from your local authority, you also have the option to fund your own care on a “pay-as-you-go” basis.

Click to find out more about getting a needs assessment.

Supported living and day centres

As with the other types of care mentioned above, you may be entitled to funding following an assessment or referral. Circumstances are different for each individual so we advise that you speak to your local authority for further details and guidance.

If you aren’t eligible for funding from your local authority, you also have the option to fund your own care on a “pay-as-you-go” basis. For more information about your funding options, contact your local authority to discuss your personal circumstances.

For more information about your funding options, contact your local authority to discuss your personal circumstances.

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